Much of the work to plan and implement the St. Louis Chapter’s extensive programming and events is done through our committees. We have a variety of committees and serving on a committee is not a huge time commitment and is a great way to get to know more ACC members.
The committee work is done through phone calls and can be done on your schedule so it will fit in with your busy workday. Additionally, Board Members are generally recruited from active committee members. We hope that you will get involved by serving on a committee this year.
Click here to join a committee or learn more about them!
Professional Development - Plan programming for our members for career development (as opposed to CLE).
Communications - Helps produce all chapter communications (with the assistance of paid staff) including newsletters and social media such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Opportunities to both write articles, edit newsletters and learn new social media skills.
Diversity & Inclusion - Help organize and implement our diversity programs including the Bridges Group, Street Law, Social Justice and Summer Internship Programs.
Golf/Spa Event - Help to plan our annual golf and spa event, with CLE programming.
Law School Relations - Cultivates relationships with local law schools and programming done to introduce law students to what in-house do and the Externship Program with SLU and promoting in-house careers with Washington University.
Membership - Help to grow our membership by reaching out to potential members and hosting membership events. Attend Chapter events to promote membership to guests.
Pro Bono - Help to identify opportunities, plan and execute Pro Bono events and recruit ACC members to assist with our Pro Bono program with Legal Services.
Programs/CLE - Help to coordinate with Sponsor companies, plan and implement our monthly CLE programs.
Practice Area Networking Groups - Help to lead a group of ACC members with common practice/interest who meet to exchange ideas and knowledge. Currently active PANs, meeting regularly include:
- Labor & Employment PAN and
- Litigation PAN
Social - Plan a variety of social events for our members and their families.
Sponsorship - Coordinate with annual sponsors on contract and for ideas to improve services.
Click Get Involved to join a committee or learn more about them!