ACC Australia 2024 In-House Legal National Conference
For more details or to register, click through here
ACC Australia 2024 In-House Legal National Conference
For more details or to register, click through here
Finalists to be Announced on 15 October 2024!
Finalists to be announced on 15 October 2024, and winners will be announced on 14 November at the gala Australian Corporate Lawyer Awards Ceremony & Dinner in the Members' Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground.
This year’s report is more than just a document – it’s your gateway to the latest trends shaping the future of in-house legal teams. It delivers insights that highlight the latest internal and external trends, outsourcing practices, and perceptions of both existing and emerging threats to in-house teams. It also explores the workload, job satisfaction, and work-life balance of in-house counsels, along with their future upskilling plans.
Key Highlights Include:
+ There’s a greater reliance on technology as 45% of legal departments invest in new technology and that one third of legal departments have adopted AI
+ An increased awareness of rising cyber threats is keeping 43% of in-house lawyers are awake by these issues.
+ 58% of CLOs report to the CEO, reflecting the growing importance of the legal department in managing risk.
+ With 51% of Chief Legal Officers overseeing risk and compliance, the role of in-house counsel is more dynamic than ever
+ 1 in 4 lawyers see operational efficiency as a top priority.
+ 1 in 5 legal departments play a central role in ESG activities.
I would like to convey our sincere appreciation to this year's survey sponsor, Taylor Root, for their invaluable support in bringing this report to fruition, and to our partners as your generosity and support enables us to provide exceptional services and resources to our members.
Chris O'Callaghan
Managing Director, Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) Australia
We are delighted to announce that the 2023 refreshed version of the Pro Bono Legal Work – A Guide for In-house Corporate Lawyers (Guide) was published on Monday 20 March 2023. The new, improved and revamped Guide is a result of a collaboration over the past 18 months between the Australian Pro Bono Centre, the Association of Corporate Counsel and the Law Society of New South Wales. A copy is available here.