
The ACC In-house Counsel Certification is an intensive program designed specifically to help in-house counsel become proficient in the essential skills identified as critical to an in-house legal career—and a certification that recognizes those who have mastered the requisites.

This unique program will help you position yourself—and members of your team—as indispensable to the corporate client and raise the stature of your law department overall.


View The Curriculum

AUGUST 19-29, 2024 (VIRTUAL)

Helping Corporate Lawyers Around the World Be Effective, Recognized, and Successful

For more information about future virtual offerings of the certification program, please email or call +1 202.696.1559


By participating in this comprehensive program, you will learn to:

  • Translate your legal knowledge into business solutions that meet client expectations.
  • Build the emotional intelligence and people management skills necessary for navigating the unique culture of your organization.
  • Deploy value-based policies, along with effective employee training, to help protect your organization from legal liability.
  • Implement tech-forward processes that can take your legal operations to a new level of efficiency.
  • Contribute to financial decision-making and strategic planning, both on the law department level and across the organization.
  • Articulate, as well as demonstrate, the value of the law department.

About the Designation

Participants earn the In-house Counsel Certified (ICC) designation upon completing the requirements of the ACC In-house Counsel Certification Program, specifically, the 24-hour training and assessment. This elite, global credential indicates that its holder possesses the competence, skills, and acumen to complement a high-performing organization.

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About the Program

The ACC In-house Counsel Certification Program covers the core competencies that are applied by corporate counsel professionals. Certification is not tied to any specific country’s laws, but draws from the experience of ACC's global membership to identify skills essential to a successful in-house practice.

The program's 24-hour curriculum targets three competency areas: Stakeholder Relationships, Law Department Management, and Legal Services. Training and certification exams are conducted in English.

Virtual Class Schedule

It is rare to encounter a program that helps in-house lawyers explore the host of non-legal aspects of their jobs — all from the angle of fellow in-house lawyers. ACC’s program bridges exactly that particular gap.

Salah Mostafa
Head of Legal, MENA Cluster
ACC Global Headquarters
1001 G Street NW
Suite 300W
Washington, D.C. 20001 USA
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