
ACC's Unlocking the Potential of the Chief Legal Officer: The Power of Reporting Structure gives a fuller picture of organizations where the CLO has a Seat at the Table. How does your organization compare?  


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Advocacy Highlights

ACC Adopts New Commercial Courts Resolution
The ACC Board of Directors, through its Advocacy Committee, adopted a new Commercial Courts resolution for members to use globally.
ACC Files Comments on U.S. Copyright AI Proposal
ACC filed comments in response to a U.S. Copyright Office Notice of Inquiry on copyright issues raised by the use of generative artificial intelligence.
CLO Survey Says: Having a Seat at the Table Matters
This article takes a detailed look at the CLO Survey results by analyzing varied results along geographic lines and examining the differences between CLOs that report directly to the CEO and those who do not.

Multi-jurisdictional Practice Resources

State-by-State Right to Practice Rules in the USA

ACC Advocacy Policy

ACC Advocacy Policy

ACC Advocacy Community

Join the ACC Advocacy Community here. Stay up to date with the latest announcements and forum conversations. 

ACC Advocacy Community

ACC Foundation

2025 Cybersecurity Summit
The ACC Foundation’s Cybersecurity Summit, the PREMIER gathering of cyber in-house attorneys and professionals, offers two days of in-person educational sessions and networking, designed to equip professionals with the tools and insights needed to address
DEI Under Scrutiny - The Impact of Recent Legislation, Court Decisions, and Preparing for a New Administration
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts are facing scrutiny from all sides, including high-profile challenges to employment policies. In this session, the speakers will provide an update on state laws, legislation, judicial activity, and a forecast
ACC Foundation DEI Maturity Model
The ACC Foundation DEI Maturity Model has been designed for use by legal departments to benchmark the maturity of their efforts regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) across 13 functional business areas that have been proven relevant for optimiz
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