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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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headshot of Mitchel Kay
Mitchel Kay
General Counsel
PTS Corp.
headshot of Lisa Morgan
Lisa Morgan
Associate General Counsel
World Vision International
headshot of Jonathan Newberg
Jonathan Newberg
General Counsel
Crescent Heights
headshot of Patricia Conti
Program Chair
Patricia Conti
Assistant General Counsel
Dollar Tree Stores, Inc.
headshot of John Ungar
Program Chair
John Ungar
Corporate Counsel and Director of Planning
headshot of Jason Maxwell
Subcommittee Chair
Jason Maxwell
Former SVP, General Counsel and Secretary
Irvine Management Company
headshot of Shanna Strowbridge
Subcommittee Chair
Shanna Strowbridge
General Counsel
The Opus Group®
headshot of Jonathan Newberg
Immediate Past Chair
Jonathan Newberg
General Counsel
Crescent Heights
headshot of John Bezmalinovic
Communications Co-Chair
John Bezmalinovic
General Counsel
Assemi Group, Inc.
headshot of Carol Stiefel
Sponsorship Chair
Carol Stiefel
Associate General Counsel
MasTec, Inc.