Page Seager Offices
Level 2,
179 Murray Street,
Hobart TAS 7000
Overview (Program Summary)
A program hosted by:
ACC AustraliaIn this session, Brett Garth and Eve Dordhain discuss when legal professional privilege will attach to communications with in-house lawyers, and set out some simple and practical steps that can be taken by in-house lawyers to ensure that privilege is attracted and maintained.
The session will provide a quick refresher on the fundamentals of legal professional privilege, however the focus is on practical tips, tricks and traps to keep in mind when dealing with legal matters in-house.
The topics covered in this session include:
+ the nature and purpose of legal professional privilege;
+ what communications are privileged;
+ how privilege may be lost;
+ dealing with privilege issues arising in the course of a dispute/proceedings;
+ special considerations for in-house lawyers;
+ tips, tricks and traps – what to do and what not to do; and
+ practical examples and case studies.
The CPD event will be followed by a some drinks to celebrate the end of the financial year and welcoming a new year with your in-house colleagues!
Brett Garth, Senior Associate, Page Seager Lawyers
Brett works with both private and corporate clients, specialising in mergers and acquisitions and corporate governance and structures.
Brett also advises in relation to finance and security arrangements and has previous experience in commercial property acquisitions and disposals, and commercial and retail leasing.
Brett joined Page Seager in 2016. In 2019, he moved to London for three years where he worked as an in-house counsel for the United Kingdom’s largest rolling stock company, specialising in large-scale leasing and procurement transactions before returning to Page Seager in 2021.
Eve Dordhain, Senior Assoiciate, Page Seager Lawyers
Eve joined Page Seager’s Dispute Resolution group in January 2022.
Eve graduated from the University of Tasmania in 2017 with a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws with First Class Honours in Law. She completed her Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice and was admitted to the Supreme Court of Tasmania in August 2018.
Prior to joining the team at Page Seager, Eve worked as a lawyer at another Hobart law firm, practising primarily in litigation and dispute resolution.
*Competitor Exclusion – ACC Australia Partner’s may request that representative/s of a competitor organisation/s registered for the event be excluded, and ACC Australia reserves the right to make the final decision as to whether a registration is rejected. As a guide, a competitor organisation could be defined as a rival organisation of similar size to the host Corporate Partner, with an established practice, product or service in the area being showcased by the Corporate Partner’s at the event. Please provide a brief statement as to why you have deemed an organisation to be a competitor, in support of any request to ACC Australia to reject a registration.