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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Resource Listings

Program Materials

How to Market the Law Department within Your Company

By Charlotte Karila Vaillant

This material discusses why you need to market your law department, how to market your law department, positioning
Internal communication, and how to create and demonstrate added value.

Program Materials

Data Lifecycle: What Is It and Why Should It Matter to In-house Counsel?

By Shawn Cheadle, Melissa Drennan, Matthew Nelson

In-house counsel will optimize their role as leaders in information governance by attending this session as they learn the lifecycle of data (collection, use, storage, archiving and destruction) and acquire tools to educate their companies on the risks and benefits associated with data as it travels through that lifecycle. Learn to resolve your company’s information management and governance issues and to add business value by finding information management systems that lower costs and improve efficiencies. Become “litigation-ready” in the face of complex discovery requests.

Program Materials

How to Counsel Your Nonprofit Clients to Adequately Balance Mission with Business and Legal Implications

By Samuel David Cheris, Sara Hall, and Timothy Phillips

This program identifies key considerations for providing legal advice to business clients in nonprofit organizations. It is important for business clients to understand that a not-for-profit designation does not mean that the organization should behave differently than a for-profit company. Additionally, when counseling business clients, in-house attorneys may need to assist them in seeing the "little" picture. Areas covered will include: risks associated with receipt of donated goods, services and real estate; conducting due diligence analysis of vendors/suppliers; brand/intellectual property protection; and costs and risks associated with new ventures or risky activities.


Influencing Government: The Rules of the Game (US Campaign Finance, Lobbying Disclosure, and Gift Laws)

By Dickstein Shapiro LLP

This InfoPAK is designed to help a company understand three areas of US law that regulate efforts to influence government decision-making: campaign finance law, lobbying disclosure law, and gift law. In this day and age, a successful company often needs to: (1) participate in selecting those who control government; (2) know what disclosure consequences arise from lobbying government; and (3) avoid nasty pitfalls relating to developing friendships in the government sector. Originally published in September 2009, updated in September 2015.

Benchmarking and Research Data

ACC Chief Legal Officers (CLO) 2014 Survey – Canada


This report presents results on a subset of respondents from the Association of Corporate Counsel Chief Legal Officer (CLO) 2014 Survey, published in January 2014. More than 1,200 individuals in 41 countries who serve as the organization's chief legal officer or general counsel (referred to as CLO in this report) participated in this survey to provide a global outlook of CLOs worldwide. This report provides results and analysis of respondents from Canada, as well as demographic information, such as staffing, budget changes and revenue, while also exploring intangibles, such as CLOs' top legal and business concerns for the past 12 months and their anticipations for the future.


Strategy and Opportunity – China’s Growth on the World Stage

By Linklaters

China is at a turning point. Propelled to 
be the world’s second largest economy 
by thirty years of exponential GDP
 growth, China now faces a slowdown and significant macro-economic questions. Compounding this is the constant, and dramatic, evolution of the global economic landscape. China’s response will determine its own role on the world stage for at least the next thirty years and significantly impact the rest of the world.

Peer Practice Examples

The Role of the General Counsel in Canada: Leading Practices in Law Department Management

By the Association of Corporate Counsel

This Leading Practices Profile describes the structure of law departments and the role of general counsel in Canada in providing in-house legal services to support multinational businesses. In-house counsel from eight companies reveal how their in-house legal departments are structured and operate, and how they manage the various functions of their law departments, including compliance, technology, retention of outside counsel and providing value to the corporations
they serve.


Gender Diversity on the Board

By Jeremy Chan, Senior Counsel, Methanex Corporation

This memorandum analyzes key trends regarding diversity in corporations' boards of directors.