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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Living and Working in the Real World--And 10 Tips for Real Success

By Maureen R. Dry

Read this 2008 Communicator Award-winning article! <br/>Have you ever looked up and realized that a deadline you thought was so far off was fast approaching, or found that the extra obligation you thought would only take a minute is actually taking much longer? Here, the author shares some of her experiences and offers a few suggestions for attaining that elusive work/life balance.


Anticompetitive Covenants: Will They Remain Enforceable Against In-house Counsel?

By By Jessica Montello

The changing landscape of the American legal profession brings with it an ever-evolving set of concerns for attorneys and their employers. Over the past three decades increased lawyer mobility and the growing trend towards moving legal work in-house has fueled ethical and business-related concerns. These concerns include the need for confidentiality, the protection of intellectual property and other proprietary information, the potential for economic harm to the employer and the individual attorney respectively, and the increased potential for conflicts of interest. As a result, the past decades have also seen a marked increase in the use of anticompetitive covenants and consequently litigation related to anticompetitive covenants. This article attempts to predict the final outcome of the legal status of non-compete agreements as applied to in-house counsel.

Benchmarking and Research Data

The ACC Law Department Management Report - Executive Summary

Published by the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC), a legal association connecting more than 40,000 in-house lawyers employed by more than 10,000 organizations across 85 countries, the ACC Law Department Management Report is a global study of corporate law departments and their operations. In an effort to re-connect the cost and value of legal services, ACC surveyed nearly 300 chief legal officers (CLOs), general counsel (GC), and legal operations professionals on specific aspects of law department budget, spend, and management practices. The report also includes insight from interviews with GC and CLOs of Global 1000 and Fortune 500 law departments.

Sample Forms, Policies, and Contracts

Patent and Technology License Agreement

By SEC Edgar Filings

Agreement in which a company licenses out it technology patents to another company. The agreement includes provisions regarding the grant of license, sublicensing, ownership of enhancements, fees and royalties, warranties, and other considerations.