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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Docket Article

Don’t Fall into the Messiah Trap

Let’s suppose that you’ve just done an employee survey and discover your firm falls far short of the mark and that a significant fraction of your employee population is dispirited and disengaged. What can you do to change course and point your ship in the right direction?
Docket Article

Mindset Matters: Are You an Owner or a Tourist?

When I talk about how important attitude is to the team, this is really what I have in mind. Of course I want smart and talented employees. But all the intelligence and skill in the world is next to useless if the employee does not put it to use in service to the team.
Docket Article

How Corporate Legal Departments Can Advance and Retain Diverse Talent at Partner Law Firms

As corporate clients, it is easy to place the burden and blame on our outside counsel partners for the pervasive industry challenge of retaining and advancing diverse talent. We suggest law firms need stronger affinity groups, mentor and sponsorship programs, and more inclusive and flexible working environments. As clients, we then demand diverse teams at multiple levels and express frustration when our law firms fail to deliver.
Docket Article

From Chaos to Clarity: India's New Compensation Law

On Aug. 8, 2019, the Ministry of Law and Justice in India formally announced its Code of Wages (Code), which amended and consolidated labor laws relating to wages, bonus, and similar matters that are applicable to all workers in India. This article will discuss the history and coverage; salient features that affect employers and employees; and enforcement reforms, including the offenses and penalties.
Docket Article

Setting the Legal Ops Strategy

This article will dive into the legal ops team’s guiding force: the legal strategic roadmap. This plan defines a goal or desired outcome and includes the major steps needed to reach it. It also serves as a communication tool — a high-level document that helps articulate the “why” behind both the goal and the plan for getting there.