Exterro and
ACC Australia
Overview (Program Summary)
A program hosted by:
ACC AustraliaEvery organisation needs to continually adapt and evolve. Left behind in the never-ending process of change lies data, and knowing what data you have is half the battle.
What data is ROT (Redundant, Obsolete or Trivial) and should be deleted in line with data retention and minimisation principles? What data must be secured and managed appropriately with regards to the latest data protection and privacy regulations? And how do you keep pace with the explosion of data in your organisation going forward?
Join ACC Australia and Exterro to explore the good, the bad and the ugly of data management practices and how your organisation can get to grips with managing it's data appropriately.
Stuart Davidson - Exterro
Stuart Davidson has over 15 years’ experience working in B2B marketing across SaaS and technology industries. He is the European Marketing Director at Exterro, the leading provider of e-discovery and information governance software specifically designed for in-house legal, privacy and IT teams at Global 2000 and Am Law 200 organisations. With software solutions that span the full e-discovery lifecycle and support data privacy and information governance initiatives, Exterro helps some of the world’s largest organisations work smarter and more efficiently.
Stevan Stanojevic, Group Data Privacy Manager - Etihad Aviation Group
Stevan Stanojevic is a privacy professional who has been working in different sectors, helping organizations to achieve compliance and use personal data ethically. Currently holding a position of Group Data Privacy Manager at Etihad Aviation Group, he oversees compliance with data privacy laws across six continents. In the past he has helped organizations implement privacy programmes and acted as both external and in-house counsel. He holds a Master of Laws degree, and he is Certified Information Privacy Manager and Certified Information Privacy Professional/Europe under the IAPP.
Olga Ganopolsky, ACC Australia NSW Committee member and General Counsel - Privacy and Data - Macquarie Group
Olga joined Macquarie Group in June 2014, as General Counsel - Privacy and Data, after 7 and half years at Veda Group Limited (as it was then), Australia’s leading credit reporting agency and the provider of data to most of Australia's and New Zealand's financial institutions.
Well versed in the subject of data protection and privacy compliance, with extensive experience in detailed privacy policy challenges, law reform and ongoing management of legal and strategic issues. Much of Olga’s work involves implementing new technologies and addressing privacy requirements in an increasingly complex co-regulatory and sometimes contentious environment. Most recently this has included work on GDPR implementation, artificial intelligence, CPS 234, Covid-19 related matters, the Consumer Data Right and addressing cross border issues in light of the Schrems II Decision of the European Court of Justice.
Chairperson of the Law Councils’, Business Law Privacy Sub-committee, and a routine presenter of privacy and data protection issues, as well as a key contributor to publications on this subject. Olga is also a member of the New South Wales Law Society Privacy and Data Committee.