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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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All ACC chapters hosts broadcast email lists to cost-effectively communicate with its members. The broadcast email list allows selected chapter leaders to send announcements about programs, new laws, and upcoming meetings to the entire membership. If a member responds to a broadcast email message, the response will reach the sender of the message only.

Chapters also have the option to create a listserv, which allows members to discuss issues and ideas with other chapter members. If a member responds to a listserv message, the response will reach everyone on the listserv.

To set up an additional broadcast email list or listserv for your chapter, contact

Chapter Newsletter Service

Newsletters are an excellent way to communicate with members between meetings. They also serve as an additional method to get members involved in the chapter. Members can submit articles for publications; help with the design and layout; and even edit articles. Some items you should consider adding to enhance your newsletter include:

  • a presidents message
  • a calendar of events
  • members in the news
  • a list of new members
  • a list of new or current large law companies
  • reviews of past meetings
  • short articles on topics of interest
  • information on new ACC services
  • substantive legal articles/information
  • reminders of benefits members receive from ACC membership

ACC offers three newsletter options. For more information or to discuss which option will work best for your chapter, contact

Option 1: Interactive Electronic Newsletter

This newsletter offers you the opportunity to send information to your members electronically and includes high quality graphics, interactive links, and tracking functionality. This option also allows the chapter to control the number of times your newsletter is published. ACC will set up the newsletter and design the template, but the chapter s responsible for entering the content and distribution of the newsletter. The newsletter itself can be set up in two ways. The first option allows you to put only the title of the articles in a cover email. To read the entire article, the user must click on the title. The second option allows you to put teasers of all the articles in a cover email. Each article teaser contains a link to "more" information that takes you to not only the entire article, but also to the entire newsletter. To view the difference between the two newsletter templates, please visit:

Chapter Option

This interactive version offers many features that are not currently available with our printed newsletter. With this version, you can track how many members opened your newsletter in addition to determining what links are most popular. You can add photos to each article and even forward the newsletter to a colleague while retaining the published format. There is a monthly charge of $39.00 for hosting the newsletter online and a .02 cents per email fee.

Option 2: Printed Newsletters

ACC can produce a professional, printed newsletter, and mail it to your members at a cost of little more than $1.75 per newsletter. ACC will provide a substantive article for the inside spread. This article is optional and can be replaced with a chapter submission or not included at all. The chapter must submit a president's message, a list of upcoming programs, and a current board list. ACC will provide filler copy on the ACC services of your choice!

Option 3: Non-interactive Electronic Version

We can also design your newsletter; just as described in option two, but instead provide the chapter with a PDF to distribute to its members electronically. The cost is considerably less than the printed newsletter. The chapter is charged a fee for layout, ranging from $55.00-$165.00 depending on the length of the newsletter.

Chapter Example 1
Chapter Example 2

Composing Your President's Message

Check out the below checklist to help you generate ideas for your next president's message.

  • Does the chapter have an especially timely and interesting CLE program scheduled or has the chapter recently held a particularly well-attended CLE program?
  • Do you have a unique social or networking function scheduled?
  • Has a member been working exceptionally hard on behalf of the chapter?
  • Have any members won awards?
  • Has the chapter won an award?
  • Will any of your members serve as faculty on any of the program sessions taking place during ACC's Annual Meeting or Corporate Counsel University?
  • What is your state's position on the multi-jurisdictional practice debate that is being focused on by so many state bars, the ABA, and ACC?
  • What are some hot-button legislative or practice issues that members are talking about?
  • How is your chapter reaching out to encourage attendance and participation in chapter activities?
  • Are their any chapter initiatives that you want promote? (ie, diversity scholarships, internship programs, pro bono, etc.)

Please adhere to the word count to help facilitate the editing/production process of your newsletter. If you want to do a 3-column president's message, do not exceed 635 words. If you choose a two-column message you should stay within 413 words, but you have room to print information in a side bar not exceeding 176 words. Copy for newsletters must be submitted in electronic format to