
The design, communication, and implementation of processes that ensure all staff understand what skills and experience are needed to apply for a promotion and how one can prepare for future career growth. 


  • Advancement and promotion efforts are applied generally, with no special effort targeting historically underrepresented individuals
  • Visibility and open posting (including adequate communication) of promotion opportunities
  • Transparency and consistency of promotion process (e.g., number of interviews, other assessments, scoring and weighting criteria, etc.)
  • Training is in place for hiring managers on unconscious / implicit bias
  • Diverse interview panels (variety of skill sets, levels, backgrounds), especially for leadership positions
  • Consistent application of parameters for roles (e.g., complexity of scope, team size, seniority of stakeholders, etc.) that trigger consideration for promotion due to role expansion, to be validated by HR (Talent Management and/or Compensation Management)


  • Internal diverse candidates are identified and included
  • Availability of up-to-date job descriptions for positions within career path (to ensure visibility of, and preparation for, promotion requirements)
  • Identification of must-have vs. nice-to-have skills, knowledge, and experience
  • Assessment of emotional intelligence is treated as importantly as intellectual ability and technical skills
  • Proactive encouragement of diverse candidates to apply for promotions
  • Monitoring and reporting of promotion diversity data (led by HR)
  • Establish aspirational goals
  • Supplemental development and training before promotion
  • Assessment of emotional and intellectual IQ and technical skills
  • Monitoring and reporting of robust promotion diversity data (led by HR)


  • Programs are formalized and include well-defined sponsorship programs that have been reviewed to identify and mitigate potential bias for high potential employees (including those who may be remote employees); metrics and assessment/refinement to programs are incorporated into standard processes
  • Sponsorship program focused on development, advocacy, visibility, stretch assignments
  • Coaching and mentorship for individuals to build readiness for future role
  • Management encouragement to apply for specific promotion opportunities
  • Consideration as to whether candidates need to have all relevant experience or can be promoted with gaps that can be closed in the new position (via training, on the job experience etc.)
  • Robust onboarding approach (first 90 days, six months, one year), including buddy / other support mechanisms
  • Increased feedback and check-ins for at least first year in new position
  • Honest and constructive feedback is provided consistently
  • Pay equity assessments are used to set compensation (market-based pay vs. placing onus on individual candidate to negotiate fair outcome)
  • Increased feedback and check-ins for at least first year of new position Honest and constructive feedback is provided consistently Pay equity assessments are conducted frequently and with regularity (e.g., annually or with each round of promotions)
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