
Creating systems to track progress and the achievement of DE&I goals. This includes collecting and using DE&I data when making decisions and communicating outcomes in a transparent and easily understood format.   


  • Buy-in from leadership to collect and track DEI metrics
  • Types of metrics are determined and defined
  • Data privacy and security concerns are addressed
  • Data collection plan (including process and systems) is rolled out to targeted firms and implementation begins


  • Wide-scale data is harvested from outside law firms and potentially other legal service providers
  • Data management systems in place to track, measure, analyze, and report on metrics
  • Baseline data is established
  • KPIs and performance targets are determined
  • Benchmarking may also be a feature of the measurement program


  • DEI performance data is managed in a structured environment such as a dashboard
  • Capability exists to track trends, perform comparative analysis, and generate DEI program as well as individual law firm scorecards showing performance against targets
  • DEI data is included in performance evaluations in a way to drive actions, be it corrective or for recognition and reward purposes
  • DEI performance is taken into to consideration for when assessing leadership compensation Measurement of DEI data in global regions is determined and data collection plan is developed
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