
For over two years, ACC and the rest of the world have had to monitor and respond to the constant ebb and flow of the COVID-19 pandemic. Most recently, the Omicron variant is once again reducing interest to attend in-person events. The Xchange conference is designed specifically for participants to come together to engage, share, and learn from each other directly, which cannot be achieved without adequate participation from attendees, speakers, and sponsors. As this is a continually evolving situation, it is making it impossible to plan appropriately for this in-person event, and there is insufficient interest in pursuing a virtual event again this year. We are therefore making the difficult, yet necessary, decision to not hold Xchange this year.   

ACC is deeply grateful to our speakers, sponsors, and advisory board members who worked so hard to help organize this conference. 

What is it?
The Xchange is one of ACC's flagship education programs, and the only one that is produced in partnership with ACC’s Law Department Management and Legal Operations Networks. Intuitively, the focus of the Xchange is law department management, leadership, and legal operations and, more specifically, how these three areas of focus intersect. How can we leverage the experience of professionals from each of these areas to enhance cross-functional collaboration within our legal departments? How can we then translate that collaboration into innovation, and implement it to successfully transform our legal departments?

How is it different?
The Xchange is unique in both its subject matter and in its approach to learning. At the Xchange, our emphasis is not only on learning, but also on "doing." The "doing" is achieved through hands-on, tremendously practical education sessions.  

Who should attend?
Anyone and everyone who identifies as a current or rising leader within their legal department. The primary purpose of the Xchange is to bring together an often segmented, but inextricably intertwined cross-section of the modern in-house law department. This includes in-house counsel serving as legal executives or practice leads, as well as legal operations professionals.

What will I learn?
Xchange education sessions are thoughtfully designed to teach the skills and tools needed to tackle head-on the challenges of evolving your legal department in modern times. How do we tackle those challenges? Through collaboration, innovation, and leadership.

Join us at the Xchange to achieve these learning outcomes:

  • Define what the innovation mindset is, and understand how to develop it;

  • Design and implement frameworks that improve (through efficiencies, resource allocation, etc.) department practices and processes;

  • Apply key concepts to successfully champion cutting-edge ideas that secure C-suite approval;

  • Identify, track, and interpret metrics that justify investment and demonstrate the value of utilizing new tools and tapping new resources;

  • Benchmark where your department stands in relation to peers'; and much more!


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